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Using a BoltForm in your template

Define a form in app/config/extensions/boltforms.bolt.yml and add the following to your template:

    {{ boltforms('form_name') }}

Adding Parameters to the BoltForms tag

Setting default values in the tag

You can also directly add parameters to the BoltForms tag in Twig. In this example the value for the fields field_1 and field_2 will be pre-set "value_1" and "value_2":

    {{ boltforms('form_name',
        defaults = {
            field_1: "value_1",
            field_2: "value_2"

Configuration overrides in the tag

Configuration parameters can be overridden at runtime by passing them in using the override named parameter


    {{ boltforms('form_name',
        override = {
            'field_name': {
                options: {
                    data: 'A default value that you want'


    {{ boltforms('form_name',
        override = {
            field_name_1: {
                options: {
                    required: false
            field_name_2: {
                options: {
                    params: {
                        contenttype: 'pages',
                        label: 'title',
                        value: 'slug',
                        limit: 5,
                        sort: 'title',
                        order: 'DESC',
                        where: {
                            and: { 'koala': 'bear' },
                            or: { 'koala': 'dangerous' }
            redirect: { 'target': 'http://bolt.cm' }

NOTE: Where the override array key matches a field name, the field name is overridden, if it then matches a field configuration parameter, that will be the affected value.

Pre & Post Submission HTML

Twig will be passed a context variables that include htmlPreSubmit and htmlPostSubmit. These can be either HTML strings, or Twig template names.

An example using HTML strings:

    {{ boltforms('form_name',
        htmlPreSubmit = '<p>This will be shown before send</p>', 
        htmlPostSubmit = '<p>Form sent to the ocean…</p>'

Or using template names:

    {{ boltforms('form_name',
        htmlPreSubmit = 'my_pre_template.twig',
        htmlPostSubmit = 'my_post_template.twig'

Overriding the Default Form Action

By default the form action will point to the current request URL. Occasionally you may want to provide your own form action, to do so, just pass in an action variable:

   {{ boltforms('form_name', action = '/my/form/handler') }}

Editing the form templates for custom displays

The templates of the form itself can be optionally customised by copying any needed template from extensions/vendor/bolt/boltforms/templates/ to a location in your theme.

For example if you were to add them to themes/my_theme/my_sub_directory/ you would update your app/config/boltforms.bolt.yml file parameters to match, e.g.:

        form:       my_sub_directory/form.twig
        email:      my_sub_directory/email.twig
        subject:    my_sub_directory/subject.twig
        files:      my_sub_directory/file_browser.twig
        form_theme: my_sub_directory/_form_theme.twig

You can override the form templates for all your forms in the top of config. To do this, uncomment the templates part of the config.

You can also override the templates for each form seperately:

            form: extensions/boltforms/form.twig

Customizing the form template

When customizing Bolt forms in this way, it will override the functionality of using the boltforms TWIG extension

For example, if you modify the action in boltforms like above, but have a form_start and closing tag, then the form_start tag will override the action.

BoltForms allow you to have full control over how your form is rendered. If you would like to create a template for your theme, you can quickly do it for each form.

To get started, you must first configure the form to use your template by adding the following attribute:

            form: partials/_contact.twig

BoltForms will now use the partials/_contact.twig in your theme folder as the template for the form. You may create a basic form template by copying the included template under templates/form/form.twig.

Individual attributes for each field can optionally be added easily in the Twig template by doing the following:

    {{ form_label(form['fieldName']) }}
    {{ form_errors(form['fieldName']) }}
    {{ form_widget(form['fieldName'], { 'attr': {'class': 'form-control'} } ) }}

Replace fieldName with the name you used in the form for that field.

More detailed information can be viewed at Symfony's How to Customize Form Rendering page.

Customizing the email template

For instance, if you want to customise the email that is sent after submitting the form, create your own email.twig template. To start, you can copy and edit the included template templates/email/email.twig.

Feedback (Submission)

Success, error, and debug messages can all be found in the following blocks messages_info, messages_error, and messages_debug. You can display the messages by viewing templates/feedback/_messages.twig for reference.