Submission & Redirection
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Submission & Redirection

Redirect on success

On successful submit the user can be redirected to another Bolt page, or URL. The page for the redirect target must exist. The redirect is added to the feedback key of the form, for example:

        success: Form submission successful
        error: There are errors in the form, please fix before trying to resubmit
            target: page/another-page  # A page path, or URL
            query: [ name, email ]     # Optional keys for the GET parameters


  • target: — Either a route in the form of contenttype/slug or a full URL
  • query: — (optional) Either an indexed, or associative array
    • [ name, email ] would create the query string ?name=value-of-name-field&email=value-of-email-field
    • { name: 'foo', email: 'bar' } would create the query string ?name=foo&email=bar

AJAX (beta)

Submissions can be done using AJAX request/responses. To enable this (beta) feature, simplly set ajax: true under the submission: key in your form's configuration, e.g.:

        ajax: true
        # … and so on

NOTE: This feature currently requires jQuery, and we will request Bolt to attempt to load it via its asset loader chain, i.e. if you're inserting a javascript file called jquery.*.js (note the wildcard), then Bolt shouldn't interfere.