Getting Started
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Getting Started

When you install BoltForms, the default configuration will be installed. this config file will be located at app/config/extensions/boltforms.bolt.yml.

The config comes with a form called contact. This is a simple contactform. It asks for a name, email and message of the visitor. After submission it is send to the specified e-mail address.

You can safely remove (or comment out) this form if you don't need it. But it is a handy first place to start.


NOTE: When first installed, BoltForms defaults to debug : true in the configuration. This should be set false to when deployed in production.

You can set debug on two levels:

  • for all forms (top of the config)
  • for one separate form (in the config of that form)

The debug of a separate form overrides the global debug setting. When debugging is on, all outbound emails are sent to the configured debug email address.

NOTE: When the debug of BOLT in the bolt config is set to false, debug will function the same, but will give less information on screen after sending.

Your First Form

For a first form, let us use a simplified version of the "contact" form as an example.


To make the form actually do stuff, we will edit the configuration of the form in the config.

  • Define fields for the visitor to fill out. We define two fields; a comment field that allows text entry, and the submit button.

  • Send the form somewhere on submission . Under the notification: key we need to set enabled: true and then a set of email addresses, the minimum list shown below. More on email notifications
        enabled: true
        subject: The form on your website was submitted
        from_name: name # uses the submitted value of the name field
        from_email: email # uses the submitted value of the email field
        to_name: Kenny Koala # recipient of the notification mail
        to_email: # recipient of the notification mail
            type: text
                constraints: [ NotBlank ]
            type: email
                constraints: [ NotBlank, Email ]
            type: text
                label: Leave an anonymous comment
            type: submit

Include the form in your website

To show our contact form, place the following tag in the desired Twig template where we want the form to show:

{{ boltforms('contact') }}

Result: A contactform in your website

Refresh the page and view your new form. Test by filling out the fields and submitting the form. You should get a notification on either the debug address (if debug : true) or on the to_email address (if debug:false).

Customization of your form

Now you have your first form, you can continue and customize your Boltform in many ways: