Email Notifications
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Email Notifications

You use email notifications to do something after the visitor submits the form. Most probable, you want it to send to an email address. Another option is, for example, Saving it to a database.

From, To, CC, bCC & ReplyTo Values

You can use the following values to send email:

        from_name: full_name
        from_email: email_address
        to_name: Kenny Koala
        cc_name: Fanny Koala
        bcc_name: Bob the Builder
        replyto_name: full_name
        replyto_email: email_address

Each of these values can be either a literal string or the name of a field that you defined in your form. For instance, by using your full_name field as a value for from_name, the email is sent on behalf of the name that your visitor submitted.

In the case of the *_name values, an array of field names that will be concatenated (space delimited) can also be specified.

String Literal

        from_name: Kenny Koala

Field Names

        from_name: full_name # using your field 'full_name'
        from_email: email_address # using your field 'email_address'

Array of Field Names

        from_name: [ first_name, last_name ]
        from_email: email_address

Email Uploaded Files

If your form uses file uploads, you can attach them to the emails by setting the attach_files parameter to true.

        attach_files: true

Email Queues

BoltForms spools all emails to a file spool directory, and them dispatches them after the request has been sent to the client.

Viewing Queued Messages

Queued messages can be viewed but running the following nut command: ./app/nut email:spool --show.

Which will output a table of queued emails similar to:

Currently queued emails:
|   | Date                      | Address                          | Subject                 |
| 1 | 2016-07-04T05:00:00+10:00 | Kenny Koala <> | Stock Order: Gum leaves |

Recovering Messages

Occasionally during sending, the Swiftmailer component used by BoltForms will encounter a severe error when processing and sending emails and the queued message file will have the .sending suffix.

To re-add them to the queue for processing, you can just run the following command in your terminal: ./app/nut email:spool --recover.

Flushing (sending) Queues

If you have queued emails due to SMTP server problems, or Bolt / BoltForms misconfiguration and wish to retry sending them, simply execute the following command:

./app/nut email:spool --flush

Clearing (deleting) Queued Messages

If you have stale message objects that you want to flush, e.g. debugging or testing, you can clear the queued messages with:

./app/nut email:spool --clear

NOTE: This is a destructive action and will delete the messages, which generally means they have not been sent.