A Bolt extension to make forms.
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Setting-up Form options

Should you want to set up your Form's global options, you can specify them by setting the options key to it.

This is useful for custom validation on the whole form, e.g: say you want to make sure your end-user only fills-in one out of two fields, you can define a Callback validator like so:

# app/config/extensions/boltforms.bolt.yml
            - { Callback: { callback: [ 'Bundle\App\Form\Validator\FormValidator', 'validate'] } }

Then create the validator class.


namespace Bundle\App\Form\Validator;

use Bolt\Extension\Bolt\BoltForms\Form\Entity\Content;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;

class FormValidator
     * Validates that either "adherent_structure" or "other_structure" is filled-in but not both.
     * @param Content|mixed             $object
     * @param ExecutionContextInterface $context
    public function validate($object, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
        if (true !== (null === $object->get('adherent_structure') xor null === $object->get('other_structure'))) {
                ->buildViolation('You must fill-in one structure only.')


Any option available from `FormType field can be defined. See Symfony's doc for more information.