Redirect the browser
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Redirect after a succesful submit

After the form has been successfully submitted, the visitor will normally get redirected to the originating page. You can use the Redirect handler to send them elsewhere, instead.

You can do this, by setting redirect: in the feedback: section of the form's configuration.

    success: …
    error: …
        target: page/another-page
        query: [name, email]

The target: specifies where the visitor will be sent. Note that you can add optional get parameters in this URI, that will get sent as-is. For example:

      target: page/another-page?foo=bar&qux=boo

The optional query: lets you set additional parameters that will contain the corresponding values from the form. For example, the configuration above will redirect the visitor to a URL like this, after a correct form has been posted:


Please note that these will be sent as GET parameters, so do not use these to pass around sensitive information.