CAPTCHA challenges
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Add CAPTCHA challenges to protect against bots

Bolt forms support the following CAPTCHA platforms:

You will need to obtain a site key and secret key from either of the above platforms.

Please note it is not possible to use both. hCaptcha has been designed to easily replace reCAPTCHA, so it takes over.

Uncomment either the hcaptcha or recaptcha nodes in your config, and populate the public_key (site key) and private_key (secret key) settings. Set the enabled node to true.

For reCAPTCHA v3, you can set a threshold for the score that's returned from Google. If the score is not met, the string set in recaptcha_v3_threshold is returned to the form.

Please note: theme can either be light or dark - it only applies to hCaptcha and reCAPTCHA v2 checkbox.)


    enabled: true
    public_key: "..."
    private_key: "..."
    theme: dark


    enabled: true
    public_key: '...'
    private_key: '...'
    theme: light
    recaptcha_v3_threshold: 0.0 # A threshold of 0.0 allows all scores returned from Google to be submitted.
    recaptcha_v3_fail_message: We've been unable to verify whether you're human! Please, try resubmitting the form or get in touch via an alternative contact method.

Finally, insert a captcha field in your form where you would like the CAPTCHA challenge to appear. If an invisible CAPTCHA is being used (reCAPTCHA v3 or v2 invisible), this is where any validation errors will be rendered.

This field must be before the submit button for reCAPTCHA v3 and v2 invisible. The field name can be anything as long as it is unique within your form.

        # hCaptcha:
            type: captcha
                captcha_type: hcaptcha

        # reCAPTCHA v3:
            type: captcha
                captcha_type: recaptcha_v3

        # reCAPTCHA v2 checkbox:
            type: captcha
                captcha_type: recaptcha_v2
                # Use "label: false" to hide the label
                label: Please complete this CAPTCHA

        # reCAPTCHA v2 invisible:
            type: captcha
                captcha_type: recaptcha_v2
                captcha_invisible: true

        # submit button must come after the CAPTCHA